Saturday, December 02, 2006

Who wants a photo card??!!

Each year I create a Christmas card based around a picture of the children. We have lots of family and friends abroad, and it lets them see how the children are growing up. I wasn't going to do a photo card this year, but then the lollipop lady told me that she has kept them all, and as this is the last year for Max at St James, I thought I'd do one last one!!! Here's the 2002 Christmas card we did.
So, the new craft room became a photo studio today!! The children leapt around and I snapped them, and created the 2006 card.
Now to print and put them together - 80 of them!!
Tonight is the office party. I remember the days when I could take ages to get ready - a long soak in the bath with a glass of wine!! Now it's cooking the children't tea, a quick dash under the shower and mad panic slapping stuff on my face before flying out the door shouting the kids bedtime instructions to my Mum! Actually, I should really shout Mum's bedtime instructions to the kids, I'm sure she'll be asleep before them!! Watching X Factor and Take That won't be the most exciting viewing for her!!!
The children are enjoying the advent hunt - todays clue was "I'm all of a spin when I'm in here" and I was itching for them to hurry up and find them in the tumble drier so that I could get on with the washing!!


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