Monday, October 23, 2006

Time for a change of image?

Today I took the children to the Swan Centre (local shopping place) and negotiated how long they could go off wandering by themselves. Claire's Accessories, New Look and Boots means this takes some negotiating to get it down to an hour!

So, there I am, an hour and a half later, propped against a pillar waiting for them, when a lady tapped me gently, and pointed to the little Magic Roundabout Merry-go-round that was near me - and asked me how much it was to go on it. I didn't click at first, and moved her child out of the way to reveal the price list and coin slot, and told her the price wondering why on earth she couldn't see that herself!

And then it dawned on me - she thought I was a bloody fairground attendant!!! Time for a new look I think!!

It's only fair as I posted a piccie of Jamie yesterday that I post one of my nephew Daniel today - as you can see, he's a little charmer just like his brother!!


Blogger Jo said...

Awwwwwwwwww...great action photos

11:28 AM  

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